Hope Story: Celina

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“When I first experienced betrayal in my marriage, the physical toll shocked me. The way my body responded to that stress was intense. I didn’t eat for weeks. I couldn’t sleep. I clung to the promises that God was with me, that He would never leave me alone for a moment. It was a time when God was working on my heart, building my relationship with Him, and preparing me. When my marriage finally ended, my heart ached, and still does, but I’m thankful for the years of practice leaning on the Lord. He held me and never left my side. I still struggle with the discipline of reading my bible and praying on a regular basis, but I see his hand in my life. He gently leads me like a sheep with young, and that’s what I am- a single mom with three kids. I wouldn’t have chosen this path, but God has proven over and over that he is good and faithful and he has given me an unexplainable peace and joy. Life is hard, but sweet. God has given me work that meets my current needs, and a future career plan to better suit our family’s needs. He’s given me a home and a church family who loves me. I’m thankful, even in the hard times, because it’s in the valleys that I can see the goodness of the Lord.
‘Lord, in the daytime, stars can be seen from deepest wells, and the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine.’ The Valley of Vision.”

Thank you for sharing @cydesantis 💗

Not only is she a mama to three precious littles, she is a talented photographer and business owner! You can find Celina here:


Christy Jones